Forbo cork linoleum, is natural linseed oil, granulated cork, rosin binders, & dry pigments. Self-healing, & colored through out the entire Forbo linoleum bulletin board.

Any size-shape,15 Forbo colored cork. Sheets or rolls up to 90 linear feet by 4 feet. While Nutmeg, Potato & Almond Forbo wall, cork colors come in 6 foot wide rolls by 90 feet.

Specify metal – wood framed or 1/4″ Forbo cork linoleum bonded to 1/4″ hardboard or just Forbo wall skin, 1/4″ rolls for quick shipping! Forbo glue available to attach directly to wall!

Any size or shape. white or natural cork walls, any size, built to order. More economical then Forbo linoleum bulletin board, that still comes in any powder coated color frame.

Cork boards & cork sheets, any size – shape. 4 ft wide by 90 foot rolls or by the sheet or unframed board. 1/4″ cork bonded to 1/4″ hardboard panels. Alternative to Forbo board.
FORBO Cork Linoleum, FORBO Wall Covering & FORBO Walls Are A Modern Way To Organize!
Buy Forbo linoleum bulletin boards, that come any in size or shape, and in any color, meticulously built, factory direct from our Brooklyn, NY facility. 15 forbo wall covering, board colors of Forbo pin board,. Huge variety of Forbol colored cork board for Forbo boards! Use pushpins, staples and tacks.! Forbo wall covering is completely self healing and will never wear out all with excellent acoustic characteristics. Perfect for combining the dampening of noise and maximizing the usefulness of Forbo colored cork for offices, home or school . We also have a huge line of Lightweight, portable Velcro® and burlap fabric cork board built to order at no additional cost!
Anodized aluminum and wood framed Forbo cork boards are a traditional Forbo linoleum bulletin board with excellent resiliency and tackability. Unframed or framed – frames can be powder coated to any color of your selection. All with hairline mitered corners. Natural cork or Forbo walls are perfect for school class rooms and conference rooms.
Installation of your Forbo boards is simple with screw hangers or can be glued directly to the wall. Install Forbo wall covering sheets and natural cork skins directly to the wall with adhesive. Forbo cork linoleum ships out in five to fifteen business days or sooner and come with rush services if needed. Our specialty is building high quality cork and Forbo pin boards to your exact specifications. See our Gallery or Request Swatches and for our in house art dept. to design and print your graphics, contact our experienced staff.